North Carolina, like many states with soaring obesity rates, has a statewide obesity prevention program. It is called Eat Smart Move More NC. I am a naive optimist, but I like to think that when a state has such an initiative, all its departments, agencies, forms of government - etc - will work together. At the very least they would not work against each other.
So how does the Lottery system play into this? It's rather bizarre actually and of course, I would be the one to hear the commercial and scratch my head. Here it goes.
Full disclosure, I didn't hear the whole commercial. I missed the beginning. It seems like the narrator was asking people to define what "LUCKY" meant to them. I heard the last person say, "when I circle around the parking lot for ten minutes and then find a space up front, 'I feel lucky.'" The narrator then summed up the other responses (the ones I missed). He said, something like, "If you get the last cookie in the break room cookie jar, or find the prize in your french fries, or get to park close to the store - you are LUCKY." People who are having this kind of good luck, should "buy a lottery ticket.'
I was thinking, REALLY?! People who think cookies, french fries and limited physical activity are things to strive for - ought to spend their money on a good health insurance plan.
Myself - I feel damn lucky that I do not NEED to park close to a building. I am ever grateful to have full use of my body in order to walk a few steps.
food and obesity
lack of physical activity
NC lottery
» North Carolina Education Lottery and Obesity