Tomorrow or Today - by which I mean Saturday 9/25/10 - over 4000 sites in the USA will be offering prescription drug take back services.

This is a way to get unused, expired or unneeded prescription drugs out of your cabinets and away from anyone who might abuse them - such as your children.

Prescription drug abuse is a problem for both adults and children and the Partnership for a Drug Free America claims that the number one source of these drugs (for kids) is the medicine cabinets of ones own parents or the parents of their friends.

The take back program is possible due to several recent legislations and it is being coordinated by the DEA. The DEA claims that prescription drugs are the first high for 2500 hundred kids a day. They are as popular as marijuana and it appears, easier to access.

Another point about these drops offs, which was noted in an article by Pete Yost of the AP, is that the drugs will be properly disposed of, incinerated, and not get into our treatment facilities or ground water.

I strongly encourage you to clean out your cabinets and just as strongly urge you not to put those pills in the trash, sink or toilet.

To learn more about take backs and drop offs, visit this link.