A national campaign exists to encourage breast feeding to at least six months of life, if not longer.

The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists lists these reasons to breast feed on its website:

-The colostrum—a yellow, watery pre-milk—that breasts make for the first few days after birth help newborn's digestive system grow and function.
-Breast milk has antibodies that help a baby's immune system fight off sickness. Babies who are breastfed also have a lower risk of asthma, obesity, allergies, and colic.
-The protein and fat in breast milk are better used by the baby's body than the protein and fat in formula.
-Babies who are breastfed have less gas, fewer feeding problems, and often less constipation than those given formulas.
-Breastfed babies have a lower risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

Let me add one more - your own breast milk is highly unlikely to be recalled because of a bug infestation as was Abbott's Similac Formula - this past week. One news reporter stated that the contaminated products were not life threatening and that babies would JUST get an upset stomach maybe and then not want to eat. Are you kidding me? Who would give their baby milk with insect parts in it.

Sigh - all processed foods have the potential for contamination on top of how poor their nutrient content usually is -
