Without preamble or follow through - a few notes

3 Ms - Received an email newsletter sometime this week. I wasn't able to spend much time with it, but it suggested that we consider these three Ms with regard to our eating. We should maximize variety, flavor and plant based foods, Moderate calories and meats and Minimize fats and sugar.

Survey - I am not sure how much validity this survey would have nor why I should trust the Harris Interactive Poll, however, intuitively, the results make sense, do not surprise me and validate my professional objectives. An online poll (excluding millions of people right there) of a couple thousand adults showed two important things. People do not accurately perceive their own weight status and when they do see themselves as overweight or obese, they blame inactivity not overconsumption. Remember, physical activity is a strong mediator for health whereas calories are related to weight.

CDC - another report - we are not eating enough fruits and vegetables. Let me encourage you to eat more plant based foods and to serve more as well. Fruits and vegetables contain nutrients and chemicals, sometimes called phytochemicals that can reduce the risk of some cancers. They are also - usually - lower in calories than many other foods. The CDC conducts a telephone survey where they ask Americans about their fruit and vegetable intake. The latest data is from 2009 where over 75% of us report eating less than five servings of F&V a day.

Vital Signs - Wow it is already another month. The report this month is on tobacco. You can see it here.

Now - make your exercise plans for the week and fill your lunch box - YES, bring your lunch - with low calorie but nutritious foods.