For those of you who were unable to open the links from yesterday's post - this time, it was NOT your computer - it was me. I believe they are fixed now.

When I got to campus today my blackberry was missing. I rode my bicycle. The good news is I found it about 1/4 of a mile from where I was. The bad news? It was in the middle of the road with the screen badly damaged. Upshot - have to buy a new smart phone.

I am establishing a planning committee for my doctoral program and dissertation. The professor I met with today wants me to start with a problem analysis. Of course my problem is obesity ( ha ha - not my personal problem). I have to update my data from three years ago and from FL to NC. I did notice just now that the latest information for state childhood obesity rates has NC and FL just tenths of a point a part at 18.6 and 18.3. Mississippi is the worst state in the union at over 21%. Curious about your state? Click here for the Trust of America's Health report.

BTW, I have been so entrenched in tobacco these last few years that I am having trouble not feeling completely overwhelmed. Oh and then, I have to go find a phone in my spare time -

Its gonna be funny one day -