JAM School Program
About Health-E-Tips & JAM School ProgramHealth-E-tips – provides one-page wellness tools for the classroom and the office. The JAM School Program delivers simple, fun weekly exercise routines and healthier habit ideas that schools use to get everyone more active each day and learning healthier daily habits. JAM is available for FREE to every school. Our HET Corporate program is a corporate subscription that supports our JAM School Program. Learn more: www.healthetips.com
Health-E-tips’ JAM School Program and the Alliance for a Healthier Generation have teamed up for the second annual Just-A-Minute (JAM) World Record. On Thursday, September 26th millions of kids and adults will be participating to set a new record for the most people taking a one-minute fitness break. JAM World Record was created to promote the importance of everyone being active every day and encourage millions of kids and adults to take “just-a-minute” to get up and get moving.
The JAM School Program brings physical activity and health education into the classroom. JAM is designed to teach kids (and adults) healthier lifestyle habits. JAM is a free wellness resource for schools. The Alliance for a Healthier Generation works to reduce the prevalence of childhood obesity and to empower kids to develop lifelong, healthy habits. The Alliance works with more than 17,000 schools to increase access to healthier foods and physical activity for students and staff.
JAM World Record 2013 has a goal to rally 3 million people to participate in this year’s event, more than doubling last year’s inaugural record of just over 1.3 million.
No Alabama schools have registered so far. Sign your school up today!
Registration is now open at www.jamworldrecord.org. Individuals and groups are encouraged to register and ensure their participation counts toward the record-setting event.
The state that rallies the most people to sign up and count in their state's record will earn the national JAM title.
It Only Takes a Minute BessMusic.com |
Use it with your JAM routines, in your videos, during JAM Day or to stay motivated every day.
About the Alliance for a Healthier Generation
The Alliance for a Healthier Generation, founded by the American Heart Association and the Clinton Foundation, works to reduce the prevalence of childhood obesity and to empower kids to develop lifelong, healthy habits. The Alliance works with schools, companies, community organizations, healthcare professionals and families to transform the conditions and systems that lead to healthier children. To learn more and join the movement, visit www.HealthierGeneration.org. Our Alabama Relationship Representative is Penny Edwards. Contact her to find out how your school may become an Alliance for a Healthier Generation School.
JAMS invites middle and high school students and/or teachers to author a JAM routine and put it in print or on video. Let JAMS know how the routines are used and JAMS will feature your group. Use the new theme song (seen below) for your music.
To get you started here are links to a few videos of JAMmin' Minute routines from Mesquite ISD, TX high school students.
The Alliance for a Healthier Generation, founded by the American Heart Association and the Clinton Foundation, works to reduce the prevalence of childhood obesity and to empower kids to develop lifelong, healthy habits. The Alliance works with schools, companies, community organizations, healthcare professionals and families to transform the conditions and systems that lead to healthier children. To learn more and join the movement, visit www.HealthierGeneration.org. Our Alabama Relationship Representative is Penny Edwards. Contact her to find out how your school may become an Alliance for a Healthier Generation School.
Middle and High Schools
JAMS is asking for JAM routines and videos form Middle and High School students.
JAMS invites middle and high school students and/or teachers to author a JAM routine and put it in print or on video. Let JAMS know how the routines are used and JAMS will feature your group. Use the new theme song (seen below) for your music.
To get you started here are links to a few videos of JAMmin' Minute routines from Mesquite ISD, TX high school students.
Alabama State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (ASAHPERD)
Fall Conference November 17-19, 2013
Hyatt Regency Birmingham (formally the Wynfrey Hotel)
Hotel reservations: Online reservations available September 16th. For now, call 1-800-223-1234 and use the code ASAH.
Conference pre-registration deadline is November 1
Downloadable Pre-Registration Form
Downloadable Pre-Registration Form
Coming soon, tentative session schedule.