One of the activities we did yesterday was have participants compile "Best Of" lists for both the Queen Lane and Center City areas. Today, we will be posting the Queen lane list, tomorrow the list for Center City will be up! If you are looking for
Queen Lane Area Best...
Best Places to Study
- Starbucks (Manayunk)
- Volo Cafe
- The Computer Lab
Favorite places/ ways to relieve stress
- Quizzo at Kildares
- Pretzel Park (Manayunk)
- Yoga
- Play sports, walk or run (East Falls Park/ Towpath or Preztel Park (Manayuk)
Best restaurant
Rose Petals Cafe & Lounge
In Riva
Tomato Bistro
Best food on the Go
- Anything on City Ave (Chipotle, Pei Wei, etc.)
Fun Ideas for under $10
-Wine Tasting on Main Street in Manayunk
Have a "best of Queen Lane that you would like to share? Post in our comments section to keep the discussion going!
*The Women's Health Education has no affiliations or partnerships with any of the businesses listed. Results were decided solely based on student feedback