Let's Move! Active Schools

Let's Move! is a campaign to end childhood obesity in the United States. The campaign was started by First Lady Michelle Obama. The initiative has the initially stated goal of "solving the challenge of childhood obesity within a generation so that children born today will reach adulthood at a healthy weight.  Let's Move! seeks to combat the epidemic of childhood obesity and encourage a healthy lifestyle through "a comprehensive, collaborative, and community-oriented initiative that addresses all of the various factors that lead to childhood obesity engaging every sector of society that impacts the health of children to provide schools, families and communities the simple tools they need to help kids be more active, eat better, and get healthy.  

Let's Move Alabama!  Sign your school up today!

Alabama Youth Council

For the past ten years, the ALSDE had supported the FOCUS Program.  Approximately 250 high schools throughout the state have implemented a FOCUS course through the Health Educator/peer Helping elective curriculum, implemented FOCUS as an extra-curricular activity, or attended facilitator training and FOCUS statewide events.  The program empowers students in the prevention of adolescent risk behaviors identified through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS).

On October 3, 2013, the ALSDE, in collaboration with FOCUS, the Alabama Department of Health, the Truman Pierce Institute-Auburn University of Education, and the Alabama Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, will sponsor the Tenth Annual Statewide AYC.  Youth from across the state of Alabama will gather at the Renaissance Hotel and Spa Montgomery Performing Arts Center (MPAC) to promote healthy behaviors among Alabama teens.  This year's conference will feature Rachel's Challenge (www.rachelschallenge.orgwww.rachelschallenge.org).  Rachel Scott was the first person killed at Columbine High School on April 20, 1999. Rachel’s dedication to kindness and compassion toward others left a legacy that spread rapidly through anecdotes and her own private writings. Her death led her family to found Rachel’s Challenge. To date, Rachel’s Challenge has visited thousands of schools and communities and touched more than 19 million students, educators, parents, and others.

A day out of the regular school schedule could spawn a lifetime’s worth of change for students and educators, as well as the communities they touch over the course of their lives. Such is the potential impact of Rachel’s Challenge, the keynote presentation at the 10th Annual Alabama Youth Council (AYC).

The AYC will offer the great opportunity for student leaders in grades 9-12 to learn about leading prevention of Bullying, Teen Pregnancy, HIV, and other adolescent risk behaviors in their schools and communities. Schools are encouraged to send student leaders from Grades 9-12 and chaperons (or parents) to attend the AYC.  The registration fee is $25.00 per person. Lunch  and materials will be provided.  For more information visit the Focus Webpage

Awareness Months and Days


  • Sports Eye Safety Month  For more information, contact: Prevent Blindness America | 800.331.2020 | info@preventblindness.orgnhlbiinfo@nhlbi.nih.gov | | www.preventblindness.org
  • Cholesterol Education Month For more information, contact: Health Information Center |National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute | 301.592.8573 | nhlbiinfo@nhlbi.nih.gov | www.nhlbi.nih.gov 
  • Constitution and Citizenship Day September 17  http://new.civiced.org/resources/curriculum/constitution-day-and-citizenship-day
  • Family Health and Fitness Day September 25 Family Health and Fitness Day is the nation's largest family health promotion event. Now in its 17th year, the event is always held the last Saturday in September. Thousands of families will participate in local health and wellness events hosted by more than 600 organizations across the country on the same day. Organizations interested in participating must register in order to legally use the trademarked event name and logo. For more information, contact: Gary Ford | Health Information Resource Center | 800.828.8225 | gford@fitnessday.com | www.fitnessday.com September


  • Beef Month Free downloadable general nutrition information including recipes www.teachfree.org, www.bamabeef.org, 
  • Breast Cancer Awareness Month For more information, contact: nbcamquestions@yahoo.com | www.nbcam.org 
  • Dental Hygiene Month (National) National Dental Hygiene Month  For more information, contact: Communications Division | American Dental Hygienists’ Association | 312.440.8900 | media@adha.net | www.adha.org
  • Health Literacy Month Be a Health Literacy Hero. Join with advocates around the world—raising awareness about what health literacy is, why it matters, and ways we all can help. For more information, contact: Helen Osborne | Health Literacy Consulting | 508.653.1199 | helen@healthliteracy.com | www.healthliteracy.com
  • SIDS, Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month  For more information, contact: First Candle | 800.221.7437 | info@firstcandle.org | www.firstcandle.org
  • Fire Prevention Week October 6-12 For more information, contact: Public Education | NFPA | 617.770.3000 | alebeau@nfpa.org | www.firepreventionweek.org 
  • Stop America's Violence Everywhere (SAVE) October 9 For more information, contact: Executive Staff Associate | AMA Alliance | 312.464.4477 | www.amaalliance.org
  • Bone and Joint Health Awareness Week Bone October 12-20  and joint conditions are reported by US citizens more frequently than any other health condition. It is estimated that these conditions occur in nearly one in two people over the age of 18. The Bone and Joint Initiative’s National Awareness Week offers an opportunity for organizations and individuals concerned with bone and joint health to raise awareness and encourage people with prevention information and activities. For more information, contact: United States Bone and Joint Initiative | 847.430.5052 | usbji@usbji.org | www.usbji.org
  • School Bus Safety Week October 21-15 For more information, contact: Lynn Martin | National Association for Pupil Transportation | 800.989.6278 | lynn.martin@napt.org | www.napt.org
  • Lung Health Day October 23 For more information, contact: American Association for Respiratory Care | 972.243.2272 | info@aarc.org | www.aarc.org
  • Red Ribbon Week October 23-31 For more information, contact: National Family Partnership | 305.856.4886 | redribbon@nfp.org | www.redribbon.


Available Grants

 GENYOUth Foundation’s AdVenture Capial Grants
This is a student-driven grant for schools. Winners earn grants for their schools of up to $4,000 to come up with a big idea to improve physical activity and healthy eating at your school. To apply for AdVenture Capital, first you have to join Fuel Up to Play 60. With Fuel Up to Play 60, you have the chance to help make your school a better place and get involved in awesome community events with your friends! Register, and if you are under 13, be sure to get your parents’ permission. What needs to change in your school to help you and your peers make better healthy eating and physical activity choices? Your solution for making that happen will be the basis of your “pitch”‐ in the form of an online application you’ll need to submit. Fill out your AdVenture Capital application as an individual or with a team of your peers. Ask for support from your Program Adviser if you need help throughout the process.
Fuel Up to Play 60National Dairy Council and the National Football League
Funding is available to K-12 schools enrolled in Fuel Up to Play 60. The competitive, nationwide funding program can help your school jumpstart and sustain healthy nutrition and physical activity improvements. Funds can be used to conduct in-school promotions focused on creating a healthier school and to implement Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Plays. Funds can also be used for professional development, nutrition education materials, and physical education equipment & materials. Award Amount: $4,000 Deadline: November 1, 2013

2013 Children’s Health and Wellness Grants
The Build-A-Bear Workshop Bear Hugs Foundation provides direct support for children in the areas of health and wellness. The Foundation's goal is to provide grants to help many programs that are working hard to make the world a healthier and happier place for kids. Grant requests will be accepted beginning in February 2013 until October 31, 2013. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis throughout the year. Award Amount: $1,000 - $5,000 Deadline: October 31, 2013 

Learning & Leadership Grants
The National Education Association Foundation Learning & Leadership grants support public school teachers, public education support professionals, and/or faculty and staff in public institutions of higher education to fund participation in high-quality professional development experiences, such as summer institutes or action research. All professional development must improve practice, curriculum, and student achievement. Award Amount: $2,000 Deadline: February 1, June 1, October 15

Youth Grants: Charlotte Martin Foundation

The Charlotte Martin Foundation is a private, independent foundation dedicated to enriching the lives of youth in the areas of athletics, culture, and education and also to preserving and protecting wildlife and habitat. Athletics include a wide range of individual and team sports, with an emphasis on the value of sports for lifelong participation. Funds support sports programs, facilities, equipment and after school programs, with a focus on ages 8-15. There will be two funding cycles for 2013: April 30, and September 30, 2013. Award Amount: $10,000. Deadline: September 30, 2013 
