Welcome Back!
I apologize for not posting sooner. Things have been quite hectic at the department. I ask that you bear with me if I am slow responding to you. My secretary passed away suddenly and it will take a while before she is replaced.I want to thank Escambia County Schools, Pike County Schools, and Monroe County Schools for inviting me to provide professional development for their physical educators. Getting out and meeting physical educators in the state is one best parts of my job.
Fitness Testing
Many of you have been asking about the updates on reporting fitness scores. All of the updates have been posted on the ALSDE Web page under the special link tab, and clicking on health and physical education information. Here is the link http://www.alsde.edu/home/general/hpeinformation.aspx. Pay close attention to the Additional Links at the bottom of the page.Reminders:
- Pre-testing (fall) must not be done prior to October 1.
- All pre-test scores must be posted into INow by January 1.
- Post testing (spring) must be not be done prior to March 1.
- Post testing scores must be posted by June 1.
*Training sessions will be available at the ASAHPERD Fall Conference.
Want to become an INow Fitness Report Trainer? I am looking for teachers who would want to train other teachers on the procedures for posting fitness data into INow. Contact Nancy Ray nray@alsde.edu to sign up.
Parent Communication
I hope that all of you remembered to send a letter, pamphlet, or brochure with your rules, policies, etc. to parents when school started. It is not too late. If you need an example, let me know and I will email one to you. Make sure to get signatures.Professional Membership
Are you a member of your state professional association Alabama State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (ASAHPERD)? Membership dues are $30 per year (tax deductable) or $5 per year if you are a Jump Rope/Hoops for Heart coordinator. For more information www.asahperd.org
Save The Dates
Alabama Youth Council (AYC)
Grades 9-12
October 3, 2013, 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Montgomery Performing Arts Centre at the Marriott Hotel and Spa
Featuring Rachel's Challenge
Rachel Scott was the first person killed at Columbine High School on April 20, 1999. Rachel’s dedication to kindness and compassion toward others left a legacy that spread rapidly through anecdotes and her own private writings. Her death led her family to found Rachel’s Challenge. To date, Rachel’s Challenge has visited thousands of schools and communities and touched more than 19 million students, educators, parents, and others.
Contact Sue Jones at sjones@thefocusprogram.com for further information
*Alabama State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (ASAHPERD) Fall Conference November 17-19 Wynfrey Hotel, Hoover, AL visit www.asahperd.org for conference information.
Coming Soon!
The Cooperative Fitness Challenge from PE Central and S&S Worldwide for more information www.pecentral.org
Adapted Physical Education
Over the next few weeks the ALSDE will be forming an adapted physical education task force who will develop guidelines for qualification for adapted physical education and 504 plans. Task force members will be made up of
- Adapted physical education teachers
- Special education teachers or coordinators
- University personnel
- Parents of special needs students
Free Lesson Plan Resources
- PE Central www.pecentral.org
- SPARK www.spark.org/physical-education/lesson-plans
- Flaghouse Play Well with Others.. Activity Based Bullying and Prevention http://www.flaghouse.com/antibullying.asp?category=athletic&alttab=none
Physical Education Resources
- American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance www.aahperd.org
- p.e.links4u www.pelinks4u.org
- PE4life www.pe4life.org
- Peaceful Playgrounds www.peacefulplaygrounds.com
- Center for Disease Control www.cdc.gov