I was not going to post anything today - I will be brief and let everyone enjoy the Spring or Easter Holiday Weekend.

I could not resist this one.  The fact that our pets (and geese, squirrels-etc) get fat from eating food that most people should avoid (limit), i.e.white bread (for fowl) and sweets (for pets) is not news.  I know I made some mention of the percent of obese cats and dogs in the USA not that long ago.  It is 54% or over 93 million cats and dogs, according to the Association for  Pet Obesity Prevention.  Read more of their stats here.

What led me to bring it up today?  Glad you asked.
I was walking with a friend and as I have said to others, the squirrels in my area are downright FAT this spring because we didn't really have a winter and they have eaten tons of acorns.  We then passed a squirrel, squatted on its haunches, nibbling away, in spite of its protruding little belly.  My friend and I then discussed overweight pets.  

An hour later, same friend and I were at lunch.  We finished our meal and the waiter asked if we wanted to take home the bread (cheesy, butter, garlic biscuits from Red Lobster, you know the ones).  I had not eaten any  - yes, you're stunned.  But my friend said, "Okay.  I'll take them home for Red (alias)"  Her DOG!  Of course, I said, " No you will not take those biscuits home to your dog.  I paid for lunch and I won't let you!"  She laughed of course, and left the biscuits behind.  But she told me she was going to tell her dog how mean "Dee Dee" (my nickname) was.
and with that......

Happy Holiday - I'll be back Monday