Please review this past post on changes that are proposed for our National School Lunch Program.  The statement below comes from that post.

The lunch will have more whole fruit and vegetables, with LIMITS on starchy vegetables and specific amounts of green, orange and legumes is mandatory.

One of the starchy vegetables that is to be limited is the potato.  Several studies, including one released this summer and discussed in this blog, have noted that in any form, but especially as fries and chips, the potato is associated with weight gain.  Even the baked potato with or without its accompaniments (butter and sour cream) continues to be a problem.

Today the potato farmers, lobbyists and their congresspersons are fighting to have this part of the NSLP revisions (in line with the DGA 2010) eliminated.  One of the arguments being made is that by replacing the starchy peas, corn and potatoes with higher quality vegetables the cost of meeting the school lunch standard will increase.  The increase in price was considered unacceptable.

This dialogue and the very real chance that the politicians will win the fight is incredibly disheartening to me.  It is as though the idea of obese children turning into obese adults who have long term, debilitating, chronic diseases and lowered life expectancy means NOTHING and food politics means everything. 
Lastly, the recommendation is not to remove potatoes and starchy foods but to limit them.  Why is it so hard for people to accept limits??? 