According to a report released by the CDC this week - the problem with bed bugs is NOT their ability to make us sick, they really don't, but our ability to make ourselves sick trying to kill them.

The report looks at incidents of illness related to insecticide use (specifically for bed bug removal).  This includes single family homes, apartments, hotels etc and licensed as well as homeowner insecticide application.  Much of the problem comes from using too much product, not washing linens and other materials after using the product and spilling the product on skin.  Other categories exist as do general label violations. 

The outcomes of the exposure to the pesticides included one death.  Symptoms included headaches and dizziness, respiratory or breathing problems, skin irritations and upset stomach.   (I see that the CDC report uses both insecticide and pesticide)  It is likely that a "pest" and an "insect" are two different things and that people used both types of toxins to attack the bed bug which is an insect that lives off mammal blood.

The CDC reviewed public databases to find the "cases" of poisoning.  For many instances, there was incomplete information and I imagine that this issue is under reported.  From 2003-2010, 111 cases were reported.  This includes the one death. Though most persons who became ill were over age 25 but under age 65, the death occurred in a 65 year old chronically ill woman.  The report, which you can read yourself, describes the circumstances of her death.  She complained to her husband about the bed bugs and he used contact spray and nine foggers in the home.  Two days in a row!  They left the home for just a few hours, did not air out their home and applied insecticide directly to their bed frame, mattress, box springs etc.  Apparently, the woman also applied some bug repellent to her body and hair.  Really you should read the story.  It is very possible that the couple was uneducated and did not understand what they were doing or that the chemicals they used were truly toxic substances.
I have very mixed feelings about using such things myself.  This is because I don't like to kill things, poison my environment or my person.

Bottom line:  If you have to use a product to control any type of pest situation, READ the label and then follow the directions on that label.  More is NOT better and MORE is not safe and MORE is not necessary.