Bladder Cancer - A new study adds to the evidence that cigarette smoking is a cause of bladder cancer.  As I listened to a discussion about this study, which included one of the main researchers, I made two notes.  One is that the results showed that the difference in diagnosis of this cancer between people who never smoked and those who were current smokers was substantial.  Smokers were 4x more likely to get the disease.  The second thing that struck me was a statement that a listener made when she called in to the show.  She said that her husband had been diagnosed with bladder cancer and his doctor told him that it was 100% related to his smoking.  The wife said, "sure they knew about heart disease and lung problems, but bladder cancer"?  Which begs the question... "if you knew about the other fatal illnesses related to smoking - why were you still smoking?"  The answer would have to be - addiction.  There are exceptions, but the majority of people do not play Russian roulette.

Environmental Literacy
"Environmental literacy is essential for life in the 21st century.  No Child Left Inside will provide students with the knowledge and experience they need to grow up healthy in a sustainable world with strong respect, concern and understanding of the eco-system in which they live," said Senator Benjamin L. Cardin, Chairman of the Environment and Public Works Water and Wildlife Subcommittee. "This bill represents a critical investment in the future of our nation and the children who will be responsible for answering the most critical questions of our time."

The words above are taken from an article that I read on the Senators own website which you can access here.

In re to the above -On NBC News this week, it was said that the environmental health literacy component of MDs curriculum was now official.  Students would have to pass a course on this or a subject test in order to graduate.  As I listened to that story (strong work by Sen. Cardin and his colleagues), I found the opposition's complaints ironic.  The argument against this curriculum requirement was concern that the students did not have time to learn about sustainability and environmental issues because children from China and India were scoring better on tests in math, science, what have you, then American students.  Two things - scoring higher on a test only means scoring higher on a test, it is not a measure of intelligence or productivity. Second - SERIOUSLY - China and India are the biggest users and polluters of the earths resources!

Butter - Remember that straw poll that they had at the Iowa State Fair?  Wagering bets on upstart politicians was not the only craziness that ensued.  It seems that these days the thing to do at a fair is to eat the most outlandish unhealthy item that a vendor has concocted.  I believe the winner this year is Fried Butter on a Stick.  I feel nauseous just reporting it.

Communication Flaws - Ah - this is a sentence from my text book and it is a good one.  It is regarding communication between couples and things we come to notice over time - you know, after the halo effect of a new relationship fades.... "then we become aware of our limitations in communication or more often, our perceptions of the limitations of others."  (Human Sexuality, Yarber, W. et al)

Carbon Monoxide?! - I have an issue with the fish I buy at Walmart.  I shop at Walmart because it has the lowest prices.  (I also shop at higher end grocers and health food stores, but only when I cannot find what I need at Walmart).  I have made my Walmart statements in the past, but I feel the need to reiterate.  The people that work there are EMPLOYED.  I know that they may not have the highest wages, but maybe the people who pay better would not higher these same people.  I also wonder if the employees are as unhappy as the antiwalmart folks claim that they are.  Seems like a good research study question to me.
That said - I am upset about the fish that I buy at the store.  I did not realize it was a Walmart product, but the Tilapia and Salmon have the exact same calories per gram - 100 calories per 113 g serving.  This is not possible because they do not have the same nutrient profile.  While looking at the label in order to find the contact information to alert them to this MISTAKE - I saw these words (on the tilapia) "carbon monoxide treated to retain coloring."  No kidding.  I am waiting to hear back from Walmart on both issues.  Next stop - FDA.  The FDA is in charge of safety and labeling.

Graphics - Big Tobacco is challenging one (at least) of the components of the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act.  They do not want the graphic labels, of which I have previously spoken, to be on the packs.  This was discussed on several programs this week - including World Have Your Say.  My feeling is that a person who is addicted to tobacco is going to "not see" those labels just like they do not "hear" the warnings.  People who do not smoke - our youth- may very well be discouraged by the labels.  Remember the cigarette company ads lead young persons to believe that they will be tough like cowboys, suave like well dressed black men, or thin like models - just by smoking.  The graphic labels will give the TRUE outcomes associated with smoking - lung disease, clotted arteries, wrinkly skin and emphysema.

(I did have seven points to make today - but now it seems too much - so I am skipping the last one)
