I forgot to tell you the best thing about the Farmer's Market we had a couple weeks ago.  I thought of it today because it had to do with muscles, mine specifically :)

When the event ended, several of us pitched in to take down tents and tables, put away supplies and pack up cars.  The church pastor had been selling bottled water and there was still an unopened case of water on his table.  This water was to go home with one of the ...hmmm - not middle aged, and I don't like old or older, so higher aged? -  higher aged women.  I told her not to try to lift it, but I wanted to see if I could.  It was not heavy really, so when I saw that I could lift it without hurting myself, I just began walking to her car.

She and some of the others were surprised.  First they said, "Oh No - you can't lift that, " and then saw that I very well could.  I said, I am strong because I lift weights :)  Then I put the water down and made a 'bicep'.  They exclaimed, "Oh, she has muscles!"

Indeed.  So today, my normal weight training day, when I felt overwhelmed with school requirements, I thought.. just for a second, "I could skip the workout."  But you know - I couldn't and we can't.  If you "don't do it" once it becomes acceptable and you will "not" do it again. How many of you took a day over a year ago - from something - and never went back?

As it is, I only work out with weights twice a week for 40 minutes each time- still double the lowest PAG recommendations but not that much.  I HAD 40 minutes to spare today and I lifted my weights.  I must - the higher aged women are counting on me :)

BTW- notice how I took the opportunity to point out that my strength is related to something I do - just as I remark that my size is related to how I eat and not my genes.

AND - I finished my syllabus today - for the class I will start teaching next week - it is SIX pages long :)
