I must take a few minutes to post something from this MMWR from the CDC.  It is a Weekly Morbidity and Mortality Report (published last month).  It is referencing visits to a hospital emergency department for a sports or recreation illness or injury.  It narrows that down to heat illnesses.
The study includes persons who visited 66 different hospitals over 8 years.  These people are said to 'represent' the country.  For that part of the study we have national averages.  Males are more likely to visit EDs and the age group that visits most are between 15-19.  You should look at the article which I linked in the opening sentence.

What drew my attention was the change of sport over time (over a persons life time) that led to their heat illness.  I only have time to talk about males right now - but in the two younger age groups, the number one sport/activity related to the hospital visits is football.  From the ages of less than 14 to 19 it is football, from 20-44 it is exercise (all types I suppose), and the number one reason for non fatal heat related illnesses at age 45 and older (males) is GOLF – ha ha , laughing my self silly.  
By the way, the report lists the top five reasons for hospital visits.  I was just giving you the number one. 
Interesting too that bicycling does not even make the top 5  list for men or women until after age 20 and it moves up to number three when men reach 45 or older.   Number three for women over age 45 is GOLF :)

I realize that this post was not well written - and I apologize.  This week of class work has been awesome - but incredibly time consuming!