The chart below is from the DGA 2010 - I know - it isn't another blog about them, I promise.   I was reading the most recent Food and Health Survey today.  In the summary section, it said something about the 6 solid fats mentioned in the 2010 Dietary Guidelines.  I did not recall reading a list of fats - only about SFAs etc. I scanned back over the document and found more information.

Fats and oils actually contain SFA, PUFA, and MUFA - but the percent of each is what determines their healthiness and of course, solid fats - like lard, butter, meat fats, etc. are mostly SFA while many oils are not - like peanut oil - which is why good natural peanut butter (Smuckers :)) separates...

So when you turn that jar of peanut butter around to read the label and like Smart Balance - it says, palm kernel or palm fruit oil - that is a SOLID fat  - trickery trickery  - 

See the photo below and note the fats on the left are the ones to avoid and the ones on the right are the ones to incorporate into your diet(as long as you do not eat more calories than you need!)

 Chart has been copied from the DGA 2010.  You can see the full report here.