Hello all.  I located the research study that was alluded to in the news story I linked you to last night.  This regards trends in occupational levels of physical activity.  I must wrap up my label and menu research review and write up before I dive into something else - but it is on the list.  And if you would rather not wait for my regurgitation of the article, I believe you can have full access yourself at the journal website.  If you do want to wait, never fear - it has my utmost interest.

As a side note, something I failed to do today was make my "public" comment on the FDA labeling rules.  I will do so tomorrow.  You can read about the law and make a comment yourself by clicking this link.

By the way, one of the readers, my friend Melanie, noted that the cafeteria at Mass General is traffic light coded and she LOVED eating there ( I believe her daughter was giving birth at the time :)).  I checked out the website quickly and they referenced a BeFit label.

Lastly, I am not doing a good job at relaxing and reading that novel - so I am going to get on that right now....