Although I have reviewed research today - I am not inclined to spew it back at you tonight :)

Instead a little story...

Yesterday afternoon, I decided to take a little bicycle ride.  I wanted to explore this bike route that runs near my house - route 16.  Last summer I explored route 6 and it was pretty awesome. 

Recall that last Monday was my first ride in  five months or so and yesterday may have been my second.  I had ridden back and forth to campus but later in the afternoon I was a little bored, tired of walking through the park, and decided it was a good time to go check out that route.  I only wanted to ride for about 30 minutes - just check out a little of the route and then come back.

Off I went at around 4pm and it was a nice ride, beautiful afternoon.  Route 16 crossed one busy intersection and then went into an affluent neighborhood, as evidenced by the very large homes.  I came upon a lake and could see trails in the woods.  I also saw a small parking lot area and what seemed to be a park.  This was just a few miles from my home so I was excited.  In fact, the lake looked so nice I decided to veer from route 16 and get a better view.

Actually, now that I am retelling this - I started the story wrong.  By my house, there are two routes, 6 and 16.  Last year I explored 6 and thought about 16 - yesterday I did start on route 6 and rode a few miles before coming back and deciding to check out 16 (just a bit). 

So I came around the lake, looking for the name of the park so I could Google it when I got home as it held much promise as a place to run.  After circling the lake, I saw a road that was familiar and took it.  I did not see a route 16 sign at the time - but did not think it mattered because this road acutally ends up near my home street.  I went about a half mile and thought I might be going AWAY from home instead of towards it.  I turned around and rode a mile or so the other way - crossing another busy street. 

My stomach was growling and I had certainly passed the 30 minute mark.  I was very unsure of myself.  I did not have my phone or anything - just out for a little "stroll."  Ho hum, carefree me.

I turned around again and went into a driveway where a man and woman who looked to be over aged 75 were doing some yard work.  I parked the bike and walked up, my usual chipper, "Hello!" and said,  "I seem to have gotten myself turned around a bit."  Oh, it is funny to tell it.  It took us a while to orient to where I wanted to go, but soon I was off and made it home safe, but hungry at 5:15.

This afternoon I was bored AGAIN (can you tell the semester had ended!), so I drove out to that spot - oh I looked it up and it claims a 1.7 mile trail loop.  I walked it today and saw many other persons, some walking, most running.  It was very exciting!  I think I could actually run to the trail from my house, less than 2 miles, do 2 loops and come home for a nice 6 miler. 

Rain is forecast for tomorrow (and has started as I am writing)  and I leave for a short trip to Florida soon - but that new found trail is on my agenda....(maybe I will share my Garmin map afterwards).

 It is so nice to have found this place because I had a trail like that near my home in Florida and also one in Winston Salem NC but I had to drive to it.

Take home message - Be adventurous, but bring a snack :)