I didn't even bother getting the suitcase from the trunk when I reached my apartment at lunchtime today (after leaving Florida at 7 this morning).  I ran in, watered the plants, opened the windows and laced up the running shoes.  I actually ran out to that new dirt loop trail that I found on my last bicycle excursion - oh , you know the one.  I will link the map for the run - it was nice.

I found a paper in the Atlanta
airport - USA Today again.  A feature article spoke of the benefits of physical activity and how it is more important than ever for older persons to stay active or get active.  The journalist notes (through interviews with experts) that we are living longer, but not necessary better as many persons are suffering disease and frailty.  It appears that the best way to prevent that decline is to include cardio exercise and resistance training (weight training).  The resistance training can take several forms, but the important thing is to challenge all the muscle groups in order to keep atrophy at bay.  Take a look at the article itself.  There are several role models to be found - at least two are over age 80. 

The article does not stress core work so much, but it is the key to maintaining good balance and preventing falls.

I expect to talk about exercise for the next couple of nights.  I want to share some information about MET or metabolic equivalents.  This is related to vigorous activity and calorie burn.  I also have more information to share on the differential impact of diet and exercise on weight loss.