I had so many interesting things to read today, but could only scan over them.  Two that I set aside for a closer look are research studies.  One equates ANY alcohol use with an increase cancer risk.  The study conclusion was that in regards to cancer incidence, there is no safe level of alcohol intake - this counters my previous statements that alcohol has therapeutic benefit for some persons.  The quote in Medscape attributed 10% of all cancers in men to alcohol use and 3% of cancers in women to alcohol use.  Apparently, alcohol in small doses is good for the heart, but always increases cancer risk compared to those who do not drink at all - all other things being equal.

The other study that caught my eye, but not my full attention, regards the protective effects of strawberries in regards to esophageal cancer - this cancer is closely tied to smoking.  Strawberries - I eat them almost every day! 

But let's see - if I also have two drinks a week - does that cancel out the strawberry effect?

Lastly, I cannot believe it has been a year since this post on the Wind Farm in Nantucket Sound.  A year ago I noted that approval had been given for the project.  Today I read that the federal government gave the "go ahead" for the project so that construction can actually begin - really?  Somehow I think I need to wait until I actually see the turbines.

BTW, it occurred to me this afternoon that I am learning SO much in my classes and with my assistantship work.  It is like all these little bits of information are starting to form some shape in my brain - nice.