Wear and Tear - I was saddened to hear a report this morning that referred to degenerative osteoarthritis in young, fit men.  This condition is more often found in older and or obese persons whose joints suffer the effects of wear and tear from excess weight and subsequent gait imbalance. These young men are suffering this painful condition after serving several years or more at war while having to carry heavy equipment day after day.  Here is a link to an article that seems to have preceded the story that I heard today.

Happy Meter - A report came out this week that ranked the states in the USA according to measures of mental well being.  No state received a 100 and the distance between the highest and lowest was only ten points or so.  The happiest state was Hawaii at 71 and the least happy was/is West Virginia at 61.  My three states were tied, Florida, NY and NC at 65 which is crazy - Florida should be up there with Hawaii.  Interestingly, the lowest five are also the highest in obesity and smoking status.  You can see the report and how the measures were calculated here.

Core Walk - Okay for those of you who don't visit the You Tube channel, I will try to explain this exercise with words.  This is very good for the core muscles, your abs and back.  This allows you to retain good balance.  It is not an impact exercise and it doesn't involve getting down on the floor - in other words, No Excuses.  The process is simple, just take very slow steps across the room as if you are doing a slow motion high knee march.  You pause with the leg up and then step, going forward as if slow motion marching, and hold the other leg up, it is just a hesitation.  Go slow - feel the body catch to balance you.  You can go ten paces and then turn and do the same coming back.  Repeat every other day.

Delaying Puberty (girls) - The age of first menstruation has lowered significantly over the past ten or so years.  It seems that as the rates of overweight and obesity went up, the age of puberty went down.  It is not a good thing for a girl to have her period when she is 9-12 years old - estrogen is the enemy it seems.  Some of the phenomena is related to the mother's own history, but a good case has been made regarding the environmental impact - weight, hormones in foods, chemicals, etc.  This article from the USA Today offers some suggestions that do not appear to be risky even if I cannot at this time vouch for their validity.