My usual fat free sugar free bargain brand ice cream has been missing from the grocer freezer for about a month now.  In the meantime I have tried the Skinny Cow bars (yum) and a Weight Watchers latte bar (yuk), but both are a little higher in calories than my ice cream was and also much more expensive.

I decided to go ahead and try another 'carton' ice cream and chose the lowest calorie I could find - that is calorie per gram - gotta watch those labels or you will end up with a 2 tablespoon serving size :)

There were not many flavor options of this brand where I shop, but as I looked for the picture on the website, I found many more flavors, some higher and some lower in calories - per gram.  You can check them all out here. I hope to find that chocolate brownie one, myself.

What I really wanted to share is that this particular low calorie brand was especially creamy - in my opinion.  And that would be Blue Bunny.  Not new - but definately improved.
