Of course that would get your attention!  Truth is  - I don't really focus on weight loss and certainly not diets - as they do not work.  Research backs me up on that one.  In order to maintain a low/healthy weight one must behave a certain way all the time.  The does not mean an end to all indulgence, but an acknowledgement that some things are indulgences and should be treated as such. 
Anyways, that is not the main topic of today.  Instead, I wanted to share something that I came across during some literature reviews this morning.  One article had a table of several studies that had been completed.  The studies were explained by number of participants, type of design, setting, outcomes etc.  In some instances, the program themes or lesson plans were listed.  It is there that I noticed this strategy - not the actual "how to" - but the category - ready?

"How to deal with food pushers" 

Now that IS a great topic for a future blog  - in the mean time - refrain from being one yourself :)