This is the calorie version of odds and ends

Note One:  Calories count.  The amount of calories we consume in a day have a greater impact on our weights than the amount we burn in a day.  Calories do not burn with the ease that they accumulate.

Note Two:  Eating frequent meals with low to moderate calorie content (150-300 per meal/serving) throughout the day is practical and helpful.

Note Three:  Foods high in fiber and volume are filling and often healthy.

Note Four:  Several companies are working together to get calorie contents on ALL the foods and beverages they sell.  It would make sense then, that these same companies would reduce the calories in the products they sell. 

Note Five:  Read the serving size information on labels and be clear to either eat what that serving size really is - i.e.not what YOU think a serving size of ice cream is (for example) but what that particular carton of ice cream says it is - if you eat more or less - do the MATH

Noe Six:  Some studies are suggesting that calorie content information on packages and menus is not changing the daily calorie intakes of persons - that would likely be because people do not have a grasp of  Note One.