As I listened to the days top news on I had a thought....

Whether or not the radiation from the disaster in Japan is reaching our country; air, land, water or food and whether or not it is at levels that may harm us - I do not know.  I take the word of our safety agencies with some hesitation - sadly.  At the same time, I have no sense of panic or fear at this point.  Some people are quite fearful. 

People in America (and elsewhere I suppose) are doing things that they think (often mistakenly) will protect them from radiation.  Whether or not the level is harmful - it is still considered a small amount.  [I am of the notion that there is no safe level of radiation though there may be necessary levels of radiation]

I imagine the amount is no more (and likely much less) than we get riding in airplanes or I KNOW going through a full body scanner  - and certainly it is nowhere near the level of a CT scan. 

 I have to wonder - are the people who are (exceptionally) concerned about the radiation from Japan afraid of these other things as well?