This may be my only post this week (ACK!) but I cannot let it get away from me, as I am apparently about a year behind already.

There is a call for more nutrient labeling on alcohol.  This initiative includes a debate of course and I agree with Marion Nestle (author, and nutrition professor) who has said that alcohol has calories and calories add up.  But she also said that there is no real need to list protein, fat or carbs because (other than sugars, or sugar alcohols) those things are not usually in alcohol.

The Beer Institute and liquor power house Diago also support the efforts.  See number three here on this Beer Institute regulatory response letter.   The comments by Dr. Nestle and Diago VP can be found in numerous headlines from yesterday.  The one that first caught my attention  came from the USA Today.  You can see it here.

What is important and telling is who is against the labeling idea.  The mixed drink and wine companies/industry.  The beverages they sell would be the ones that have the most calories per ounce.  In order to quantify the calories the manufacturer would have to list what the serving size REALLY is. 

Ok. That beer is getting warm, gotta go :)