Fruit Cups- I have two points to make.  First, my Mom has some fruit cups in her fridge and at first glance I thought that they were healthy.  I define a food as healthy if it is high in nutrients and low in calories, per serving.  The cups in Mom's fridge were relatively small and had 70 calories.  On closer inspection however, the small container held TWO servings - so it wasn't low in calories for the size.  The other thing to say is that a local theatre I visited this weekend sold fruit cups!  In that regard, they WERE a healthy option -  next to the candy and buttered popcorn.

Rheumatoid Arthritis - I did not personally pursue this tidbit but on the news I heard  that new research associates smoking with about 30 percent of RA cases.  My aunt has this type of arthritis and is in great pain.  What the research of today supports, confirms and adds to is this- smoking can cause any number of diseases and those it does not cause it certainly makes worse.

Marketing and Partnerships - I am reading some articles that relate the obesity pandemic (global problem) to the marketing of high calorie, low nutrient foods to children and adolescents.  The food industry spends billions of dollars on the ads and the branding of their products.  They have done this for decades and would not continue to do so if it were not gaining them profit and customer loyalty.  Public health advocates discuss mimicking their work with health messages as well as partnering with them to promote healthy lifestyles and to provide less energy dense foods.  This topic really deserves its own post, but in the readings I find some vindication or support of my own findings.  This is that physical activity as a weight control strategy is the salient message - the one most promoted and the one most believed - it is the one that food companies are willing to stand behind and it is not enough of a strategy.  It makes sense when others note that the food industry is not very likely to suggest that people eat less!  They are in this to make money.  When the companies do create healthier versions (lower calorie - fat - salt - sugar) I am delighted and I certainly buy them.  This however is still not sufficient because I am not in the priority population.  The priority population, the most obese of us, are also the poorest.

True Grit - This weekend I saw the remake of True Grit.  In this version, Jeff Bridges plays Reuben and he has the most gravely voice.  He is a heavy drinker and smoker.  I imagine he had throat or esophageal cancer.  It was hard to listen to.

Hands Full- Oh, Burger King - you do a fine job of making my points for me.  The current promotion is two for one chicken sandwiches.  There is no suggestion in the TV ad that the second sandwich would go to a friend.  The announcer makes some comment about this lunch,this  chicken, not being a handful but hands full.   Yes indeed at 630 calories  and 39 grams of fat EACH that is quite the meal.  Where, I ask, is the two for one salad??

Ad Council - I didn't really catch this, but I will be on the look out - A public service announcement regarding obesity and disease.  I am in Florida a few more days, where I have TV access so I will keep my ears open.

Strenuous Movies - I didn't mean to get a movie theatre theme going here, but one last thing.  The kiosk that was selling the fruit cups and granola bars also had gatorade.  REally?  We need Gatorade at the movies??  Sports drinks and their sugar content are clearly one of the unhealthy items that are branded and heavily marketed.