I took note of a Press Release from a company named Total Nutraceutical Solutions or TNS.  The press release was announcing the company's continued work with a compound found in mushrooms that is thought to be protective with regards to heart disease.  Mushrooms (and fruits and vegetables) contain bioactive agents that protect against inflammation and plaque buildup.  In other words, many fruits and vegetables, because of their antioxidant properties are said to be anti-atherogenic.  (Exercise is also considered to be anti-atherogenic, btw).

In mushrooms, the chemical ergothioneine is considered almost a super anti oxidant.  The press release noted that a study had just been published in the Journal for Medicinal Food (what?) that supports the company's efforts to make an ergothioneine supplement, or a mushroom pill.

Well I found that study,(the link may be accessible) but I want to quote the scientist who did the experimental  work with this chemical(bioagent) and cells from human blood vessels.  What he states in his conclusion is very important -

"The finding that dietary bioactive agents such as ERT are protective against human diseases, i.e., CVD, further supports the notion that consumption of fruits and vegetables, and particularly ERT-rich mushrooms, is an important and efficacious cardioprotective approach."  ~ Keith Martin

In plain speak, scientific evidence supports that EATING fruits, vegetables (and mushrooms) can prevent diseases, such as heart disease.  (No mention of taking mushroom pills)

The study citation is thus:

The Bioactive Agent Ergothioneine, a Key Component of Dietary Mushrooms, Inhibits Monocyte Binding to Endothelial Cells Characteristic of Early Cardiovascular Disease.

Keith R. Martin

Journal of Medicinal Food. December 2010, 13(6): 1340-1346