No they weren't together - just two points to make from the day.

I attended a community meeting tonight and the Healthy Carolinians group which I am becoming a part, provided the dinner.  They served subway sandwiches, but there were loads of veggies, baked chips, only water to drink and prepackaged apple slices.  They ran out of the apple slices :)

I saw a Starbucks promotional ad in the weekend paper - I saw it today because I am behind and the promo is now over.  The offer was a "buy one get one" free so that you could share the holiday cheer with a friend.  It only involved these three drinks - Peppermint Mocha, Caramel Brulee Latte and Gingerbread Latte.  I thought it would be worse, but the 16 oz drink would have shared 250 to 330 calories :)