Exercise is IN!

Soon- probably next week, I am going to begin sharing excerpts of the paper I have been writing which describes the impact of exercise, macronutrients, calorie moderation, and sedentary activity on various aspects of our health.  I will share them one at a time - noting that they are all good for something - maybe many things - but they do not equally influence weight.  So stay tuned for those posts.

When you read my piece on physical activity, you will not see the part about how exercise reduces upper respiratory infections and appears to boost the immune system.  This is because, the research that supports that assertion is just now available.  You can access the journal summary here.

The  Appalachian State University study involved more than 1000 persons aged 18 to 85.  The researchers used self report for determining the amount of exercise each person engaged in and the frequency and type of cold symptoms they experienced in the 12 weeks for which they were followed.  Self report is not enough to suggest a causal link between exercise and wellness, but it offers a correlation.

The results are still easy for me to believe.  The people who exercised the most - no less than 5 days a week - compared to the least - no more than once a week - were the least likely to get sick, stay sick or feel "real" sick when they did.  The inactive group were nearly 6 x more likely to get sick.  The active folks had 30 - 40 percent less sickness, symptoms and severity.

I can give personal or anecdotal evidence as well - in my small world - at work, school or home (family) I am one of if not the most physically active person(s) in each group and I am also the least likely to catch a cold (except I just jinxed myself).  Actually, I must admit that my Mom and Fl sister, both quite active, also have very infrequent acute illnesses.

Now to be fair - as I must or my family will call me out - I have more injuries than any one in those groups too!  Sigh - everything still suggests that exercise be an every day thing and I consider muscle strains and aches to be proof of use and insurance against atrophy!