This morning I got up a little earlier than is usual for me. I wanted to get in my Friday morning run before the workshop. It was forecast to be one of the coldest (relatively speaking) mornings this fall, but was not. Either way, I had convinced myself the night before that I was going to do this because no matter how uncomfortable or out of my box this early morning run would be - it was FAR better than the discomfort of not doing it.

I could have waited to run after the workshop, and another time I might, but that wasn't my choice for today. Instead it was up and at 'em - well - coffee first, but just after the sun came up I was out the door and running. My thoughts were of empowerment, satisfaction and accomplishment. I was able to get up early, still run in shorts* (with a long sleeved shirt), was just a few minutes late to the workshop but totally present and productive once I got there. I thought while running - HA "I own this day now." That was after I set off the alarm in the Arboretum - guess the trip wire didn't know it really WAS daylight. I sort of thought I was in Jurassic Park - scared me good when the speaker came on instructing me to leave immediately by the nearest exit.

With regards to your daily exercise routine - Just do it - you'll be glad.

*I am trying to see how long I can go before getting out my running tights/pants and gloves and such - so far I have outlasted several people who are NOT from Florida and that makes me feel tough. So I am conditioning myself for more cold than my body is accustomed to.