WOW - I like to think that I come up with clever and memorable ways of saying important things - and maybe I do sometimes, but what I heard today was better than anything I have said to date.

I am attending a two day workshop in Greensboro. The workshop title is Undoing Racism. Though this comment wasn't specifically about health - and health disparities by race certainly exist - it made me think of my efforts to shape the environment so that it is conducive to healthy weight management. Obviously if I want to attack the environment it must be that I think that the environment is more to blame for our obesity epidemic than specific obese individuals.

Here is what the trainer was credited with saying:

If we find a fish belly up in the lake - sure we cut it open, examine it and try to figure out what was wrong with that fish. If we find another fish we probably would do the same thing. But if we show up and half the fish in the lake are belly up, we have to ask, "What is wrong with this LAKE?"