I am a huge fan of strawberries - high in antioxidants - they are free radical eater uppers - and low in calories, sweet but with fiber too.

I like to have a little cup of them with my Walden's Farms almost no calorie chocolate dip - every night - but I don't. Sometimes I have other fruit!

Strawberries are highly perishable - they do not last a week - they are expensive.

Recently I blogged about packages on the shelf that contained rotten ones and since then if not before, I have been keeping my eye out for a frozen brand that I would buy. I have checked several stores and what I have found is that they are still very expensive and for the extra money - this time - you get more calories too. Even when I found some brands that did NOT add sugar or syrup - the calories didn't make sense. I.e. according to the USDA nutrient data base, strawberries have about .3 calories per gram. If the frozen strawberries were just strawberries they wouldn't they be the same?

Today I actually got both areas covered. The package of frozen strawberries was just over two dollars and a cup had 50 calories. They were pretty yummy too.

Guess where and what brand?

Wal-mart - Great Value. I bet they would make a nice sorbet if you whipped them up. They were also clean and whole and not bruised or moldy - how cool....