An NPR journalist interviewed the current Texas Governor and some of his constituents this morning. The interview took place at the State Fair. It was noted that people were in line to try things like fried peanut butter and jelly, fried moon pies and oh, my favorite - fried butter.

It just made me wonder what the stats on fat for Texas might be. Remember the Trust for America's Health report that came out last summer? It gives state rankings but also has state specific web pages. That is where I went for my information. ACTUALLY - I have the page open in another tab and I haven't even looked - yet - so here goes - I might have egg (fried) on my face - but I will tell you true...

Wow - first of all they are in the top five (one is worst) for Alzheimer's and Cancer cases and for childhood obesity they are in the top 10, as is so for diabetes and inactivity. The adult obesity rate is number 13 in the country - again one is worst.
