I have been aware of the following for some years -
the amount of calories one "burns" or expends during exercise has to do with intensity and weight. The EE - is energy expenditure. I have said to friends and probably here that you cannot take a suggestion of "calories burned" per time per activity as literal because it is ALL relevant. So when the commercial says that 30 minutes on the treadmill burns 100 calories, you have to ask - who was the "model" and what was the "pace"?

This I have known. What I hadn't quite wrapped my mind around, prior to reading a few research articles last night, was overall EE.

I am investigating the different impacts of nutrients (i.e. fat, sugar, phytochemicals, PUFAs), physical activity, over consumption, physical activity and sedentary behavior on weight and health. My hypothesis is that EI - energy intake - is the most powerful factor for weight - not health - weight.

So I am doing a lot of literature review - or reading other people's research.

I have found some support of my theory. In several studies, lean and overweight persons are burning the same amount of calories but the overweight people are consuming more. So same EE , different EI. Here is why that is happening.

Though bigger people burn more calories during any activity - they either do the activity for less time or at less intensity as their bodies are less able to handle moderate or vigorous activity. It makes sense. It also means that I am on the right track when I say the message for weight control has to be about calories. The amount of physical activity - and intensity - that is needed for weight LOSS - is most often inappropriate for obese persons. They are not able to do it and they should not do it (joints, blood pressure, etc) until they lose some weight. Let me be clear. All persons should engage in daily physical activity as recommended by the DHHS an the Activity Guidelines for Americans. OW and Obese people may begin with slow pace walking and swimming, perhaps. They cannot start with running or high intensity activities (which BURN calories faster)- and all these messages about moving more may be misplaced for some people.

I have found more research on why we shouldn't sit for long periods of time - regardless of weight or exercise level - but that is for another time.

Today's blog title code: Energy Intake Energy Expenditure Obesity EIEEO
