I forced some time into my evening and went to a short bicycle seminar. The class covered changing or repairing a flat, lubricating chains and cables and keeping the bike clean. All of these things can prolong the life of the bike and its parts which will reduce the risk of accident and injury.

As I have already had maintenance and crash issues, I thought it wise to go to the class. I think the most important thing to tell you, as I can't show you anything, is that a common cause of a flat is low tire pressure. When the pressure is too low and you hit a curb, for example, the rim can pierce the tube.

Thus it is recommended that you put air in your tires every time you ride, even daily. Or at least check them every time. Air can leak out just from time, but also when the temperature cools, like it does in automobile tires.

You should also have a decent pump which will cost around 30 dollars and last longer than a cheaper one.

I took my free class at REI.
