I have decided that my doctoral work will involve several things. I will tell you the statement I have begun to employ.

I am interested in reducing the incidence (new cases) of obesity and tobacco related chronic disease states in the 20-40 year old population. My research and intervention interests include obesity prevention in children, Hookah Bar policies and creating a tobacco cessation data base. I will continue to work with web media to further my main objective. My main objective, with adults and children, is to assist in the creation of an environment that allows informed eating. By this I mean, children learn why a calorie matters at all, the best foods for getting them, and such, at the same time that restaurants, schools and other food providers give them the information they need, we need, to make informed decisions about what we choose to eat at any given time.

Which brings me to today. The week ended on a much better note. I was one of the main facilitators for a prospective student information session. Since it was going to be a small gathering, the program director thought it fine that I take care of the refreshments personally. I mentioned the menu a few days ago.

The trays went over VERY well. The guests and the faculty were very complimentary and appreciative. Now this happens wherever Deirdre goes! I provide healthy foods that look and tastes good. It is my passion. Unfortunately, I was on the tour when my trays were set out. I should have taken pictures for you guys, but I thought of it too late. Any ways, in the center of one tray were the light round baby bell cheeses, wrapped. On another tray was the light laughing cow cheese wedges, wrapped. When I came in, two doctoral students were waiting and I noticed that the cheeses were UNWRAPPED - how weird. They were in little individual packages. I said, "hmmmm - I would not have unwrapped those." My peers said, "she made us." She is the secretary. AH SO. One issue - the uneaten cheese is no longer in the fresh wrap, but more importantly, you cannot have informed eating if someone removes the labels! I'll clarify next time. I expect I will get a next time :)