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An eventful day, full to be sure, but alas I continue to feel like I accomplished little. Feelings are not facts however, so let us move on. I did walk to campus today and it took about 45 minutes. Then I worked out in the student gym even though they told me that I was not supposed to until fall semester starts. I do not get to do my swim tomorrow because of this, and I am bummed. I should use the time to find a bicycle however as I have not yet done so. I went to the Public Health Education Department and said hello to the secretary and the department head. Most people were not there, but I did get a hug, and that was nice. Now I am thinking that it is good that I cannot swim tomorrow, as there is just too much still to do – like try to find cheap or rentable textbooks (One of my professors already sent out the syllabus with the first weeks reading assignments) and go to Time Warner Cable and lodge a formal complaint. (My TV doesn’t work and they cannot come back until Saturday. The technician did not leave any paperwork and he didn’t even put the screws back in the wall.)

So your health note is related to the measurement of weight status that I have mentioned time and again in this blog and which are explained in depth at my website. A study looked at both the BMI of persons in a study AND their waist measurement. Remember that women need to have a waist less than 35 inches in diameter and men, 40. The researchers found that people who had normal BMIs, between 19 and 25 but had larger waists, were more likely to die in the next ten years than those who did not. In other words, the people were not considered over weight but their stomachs were too big. I love too that a scientist involved with the study noted that doing crunches is NOT going to shrink your stomach. No sir – ma’am, it is the same old same old, watch your calories and exercise. This reminds me, I took this picture in the stairwell of the PHE department building. Now of course, they are exaggerating the number of calories, because it is also based on weight and intensity, but you get the idea. BTW, my department shares the building with the exercise and sports science folks! Oh yes, and I brought my umbrella along on my walk today, in case the sun got too hot. I also had on my hat. I saw ONE other person use an umbrella for shade. I had not been using mine but after a while, I did, as she gave me motivation to be different. Do note however, that the umbrella and the hat do not stop the sun from coming off the street and reflecting on your skin.
Okay really – I must go.
