This time, one week from today, I expect to be in a hotel room just north of Savannah GA on my way to a different life in NC. Just so you know!

CDC Vital Signs: This is something new that the CDC has started but it is pretty awesome. Each month they they will target a health issue or disease and give a few succinct statistics on it while suggesting some next steps. The July Vital Signs discusses cancer screening for both colon or colorectal and breast cancers. Though we have certainly made progress in this area, there is much to be done. You can find this Vital Sign here.

Antioxidants: These are wonderful substances that are thought to aid in ridding the body of waste material that can be harmful. Our body is able to make some of them, but we also benefit from consuming foods that are rich in them, like fruits and vegetables. In the grocery line today, I heard the cashier exclaim "Wow, cherry diet seven up!" I looked over at the conveyor belt, as it was not my order. I wasn't sure if I had heard her correctly as that flavor was not new. What WAS new, I noticed, was that the label claimed "antioxidants." Really guys, whether you drink soda or not, it isn't the place to get your free radical consuming antioxidants.

Beach Reports: We have heard a lot about the state of our beaches and ocean water due to oil spills lately, but the NRDC or Natural Resources Defence Council has also released its 2010 report on the safety of US beaches. The report does address the new threats, but for years the NRDC has tracked the amount of bacteria in our waters and sadly, it is rising. You can review popular beaches or all beaches by state if you like. It is a little confusing at first, but when you see the % of times that a state or a beach exceeds standards, the higher the number the worse the beach is. The standards are really limits of pollution and exceeding them is a bad thing. You can learn more here. You may recall that I go to a certain beach in Florida at least once a week and I was very happy to see that it did well.

Eco Salon: Hmm - I wrote my little notes some time ago, but if I remember correctly, there was a bit of investigative journalism in the WSJ where they tested salon services in places that claimed to be eco friendly. None of the places did very well - getting rid of the chemicals was not so easy and when they did the result was not so good. Personally, I only go to the nail/waxing salons on occasion for a BROW wax. Yes there I said it. I do go in and out as fast as I can. If I have to wait I go somewhere else. Those places are absolutely toxic. I know the employees wear masks but so should the customers.

Teen Business: It appears that hotels are trying to cater to the not yet adult but not still a child demographic. Of course, keeping a family happy will increase business and tips so it makes perfect sense. What was dismaying in the article I read was some of the tactics. Video game tournaments (not Wii fit) with prizes. So after being sedentary while playing video games the kids received ice cream sundaes. Now that's the way to fight this obesity epidemic in our youth, eh?

Speaking of: And lastly, I saw a display at the Publix Supermarket today. It was a cardboard school bus and in it were all types of sugary snacks for kids to take to school.