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But first - I am so excited. Time Warner returned today and the technician, a real employee of TWC not an independent installer, found that the signal coming in to the home was almost at a zero it was so low. He changed cables and things himself but also called the office and a truck came out and changed some things at the big power pole. I knew I wasn't crazy and that the upload speed was BEYOND slow. As I write this my other lap top is uploading a video to You Tube in what looks like a pretty quick pace. YEAH! (click on the link to the left - on the website- and you can see the video)

So just briefly then -
I have to say that technology, besides the Internet :), is not always the best thing to come around. The most recent advance appears to be a self propelled lawnmower. No, not the self propelled mower that makes PUSH mowing a little easier, but a truly self run lawnmower. I gotta tell you, I well, I don't know what I gotta tell you. I am too flabbergasted.

The calorie is certainly the king when it comes to weight maintenance but physical activity has another role to play in keeping us well and in allowing us to eat a certain amount of those calories. The less we do, the less we can eat and If I have learned anything about people in Western countries it is this, they (we) love to eat.

Now I have to add on to that old story of mine, relating to how sedentary a society we have become. Let me see: We ride to work in our car, park as close to work as possible, take the elevator if flights are involved, sit at a desk for most if not all of the day, drive home, maybe stopping at the drive through window of some restaurant for dinner, stop our car at the mailbox, hit the garage remote, walk in, sit on the couch, remotely control the TV , the vacuum cleaner AND the lawnmower. Even if the person in this story is of normal weight, the adverse consequence of inactivity can include heart disease and cancer. What does Michelle Obama call her health initiative, oh I remember, "Let's Move."