Hats V Visors

Deciding which is best to wear has a lot to do with your sport or the purpose for wearing the covering. Here are my thoughts on the issue.

If you are engaging in an indoor sport and want to keep hair and sweat out of your eyes, a visor should do the trick. If you are outside and it is raining, visors are great to keep the water out of your eyes. For any other sport or activity, including beach and mountain escapades, a hat is best. The hat will protect your hair and scalp from the burning and radiating rays of the sun AND can protect you from ticks.

I understand that some people think that hats are not cool. Maybe you can reframe this and make it one of long term vanity by considering the hat as a way of keeping your hair healthy looking and preserving your natural or costly color. All of this applies to young and old, male and female. What about people without hair? All the more reason to cover that scalp – skin cancer risk should trump style when deciding whether or not to cover up.

Ah yes, I just remembered one of the skin cancer prevention slogans I heard some years ago – slip, slap, slop – I think it was. Slip on a shirt, slop on sunscreen and SLAP on a hat.
