I am tired, I am busy, it hurts, I don't like it, it's raining, it's hot, I don't want to be a hard body, I don't have the right shoes, I walk all day at work, my weight is fine, I have to help the kids with homework, someone has to make supper... etc etc etc

I have absolutely no trouble making time for my daily exercise. I have time or stress challenges on occasion but exercise is no longer something I waffle or bargain. I have been at this regularly for ten years, after fits and starts in my teens and 20s. I now have the benefit of a learned behavior that is embedded in my psyche. There is no struggle with regard to convincing myself of the benefits – I know them, my learning curve has long since been mastered. I no longer need to approach a workout with blind faith that it will make me feel better. I don’t have to take any one’s word for it, now. So what happened? How did I get here? How do you get here?

You may start by faking it – Fake It til You Make It. Trust all the evidence around you – scientific and anecdotal. You can also remind yourself of these things –

If you do not exercise you will feel just like you did before – lethargic and unhealthy.

People seldom regret the exercise they DID (only that which they didn’t) –thanks JB

It must be a priority. Set clothes and any equipment you need or want (IPOD) out the night before – try mornings to beat things like weather, work, kids etc OR put all stuff in the car and exercise BEFORE you go home if you prefer evenings. (include your pre workout snack and your water in the things to get together)

It does take some time to get used to this, but the health benefits are just unparalleled and include physical as well as mental improvement. This is up to you and under your control. Good health does not happen by accident. Sure, some people have incredible resilience to lifestyle missteps, but you probably don’t. You must own this – your body – your health. All the incentives and motivational prompts will be wasted if you do not act…
