I feel like I might be poaching from another health professional but I want to share the information as it supports my own workout philosophy. So I will first give credit where it is due. An exercise science professor from Quincy College wrote an article in the American College of Sports Medicine's Certified News regarding recent research on the frequency of weight training and the benefits there of.

In fact, he shared results on more than one study. People who are doing no weight training whatsoever are going to benefit from adding just one day a week. This will last you six months or so, in my informed opinion. I want to consider optimistically, that all who are reading this post already lift weights or pump iron at least twice a week.

Dr. Westcott discussed the research on whether or not a person benefited most from two or three days a week in a focused full body circuit workout. In fact, the two days were better and especially better if they were spaced apart, for example, a Wednesday and a Saturday. The reason that this is suggested as best is the time of recovery between workouts. We do break down the microfibers of our muscles and then with proper nutrition (not OVER supplementation, just basic fueling) and rest, the muscles repair themselves and become stronger and in some cases larger. Workouts that are less that 48 hours apart, actually detract from this process and progress.

People who do want to work out with weights more frequently should change up on the muscle groups to allow sufficient recovery. Because I like to do every muscle every time - I am the two a day candidate. I have been working out twice a week consistently since January. I had been doing once a week for a while. Years past, I did work out with weights more frequently. I do need to concentrate on spacing my workouts however, and with the added challenge of not having a hard weight day before a long run day - OR, two days before the run, because when will I be sorer - see, always things to consider - but the longer, healthier life that it could lead me to, well, it's worth it!

Oh the upshot - which is an upside - two days of weight training is enough!!