Hedonistic or Homeostatic? Interesting words and you have probably heard them before - however, I recently saw them used to describe differences in the way that people eat. Or as I like to say, fuel themselves. A hedonistic eater would be a person that eats for pleasure, obviously, but without any connection to the body's messages about whether or not food is really needed at the moment. A homeostatic eater is more in tuned with the needs of his or her body. A person who continuously overrides the system and eats anyway, will make that system malfunction.

You're Lucky - Someone that knows me pretty well, made an unusual comment the other day. She asked how much I weigh I think and said that I was lucky. NO NO I am NOT lucky. IF I were lucky, wouldn't I be a hedonistic eater without consequences?? I am a controlled and disciplined eater and a frequent exerciser. I choose this, and I thrive in it, but it is work to be sure. ( and if any of you out there read the Sookie Stackhouse novels - that would make me bitten not born - in other words, it isn't a natural or genetic trait of mine)

Tanning - OK, sorry - this is hard truth time. The problem with obesity is that it adversely affects ones joints and mobility. It also can lead to chronic and life changing diseases. I know what I am about to say is true, because I used to believe it and do it. Tanning fat seems to make it look less well, fat - voluminous. But tanned fat is still fat and not only does the person still have the health risks from obesity, now the skin cancer risk is added to the mix.

Reputable Web - In the Boston Globe recently, a column listed the names of websites frequently visited for health information. Only two were said to be good sources of information and I was glad to see that they were two that I use. They were WebMD and Emedicine.

Conbiotics- Food should just be food. Adding extras seldom accomplishes anything and misleading claims abound. This time Nestle got a hit from the FTC for saying that its probiotic yogurt or shake or whatever it was, helped children's immune systems. Not proven - What has been said to be helpful - a well balanced diet - food on a plate, and exercise!

Me and the CEO - I was reading a fluff piece (not really fluff, but not research so for me it is fluff!) about the CEO of Cigna. He is a triathlete and in the WSJ article about him, he said that he will often get ideas for something while riding his bike at 5 a.m and by 9 a.m. he is explaining his new plan in the conference room. The exact same things happen with me, but maybe not at 5 a.m. Exercise absolutely generates brain power!

"You" Don't Pay a Thing - Oh that damn sassy chair. I think that the motorized chair that is pitched directly to the elderly is a scam to be reckoned with and when the announcer discusses the billing of Medicare by the company, he adds, "You don't pay a thing!" So of course, I shout back to the TV, "No Everybody else pays for it!"

Eco Index - What is it? You may be hearing the term more these days. It is used to gauge how much a product does or does not adversely impact the environment. This can include the materials involved, the places they are put together, exporting, and disposal. To learn more, click on this link.