From my website:

Triglycerides are another type of blood fat. Having high triglycerides, over 150 mg/dl can increase heart disease risk and also worsen other health conditions. Being overweight and inactive, drinking too much and smoking are all risk factors you CAN control.

I note this because the newest research and development craze for pharmaceutical companies is finding a chemical or biologic compound to lower triglycerides in much the same way that statins can lower low density lipoproteins or LDL.

I ask the same type of question I usually ask – will lowering a persons blood fats reduce the adverse outcome of heart attack and death caused by heart disease? But I have more questions. How low is low enough? Wouldn’t it be more cost effective to educate persons on the dangers of high triglycerides and how to avoid them?

The drug companies and financial analysts are referring to progress in this area as a potential to gain a HUGE market share and to profit substantially from treating this self instigated disease. I want that to bother you. Some of the drugs that are in development have the same properties as Omega 3 fish oil supplements. What is wrong with eating salmon and taking regular fish oil supplements? Well, they are expensive and insurance doesn’t cover supplements so many people do not take them. If they were a medicine and insurance covered them – and doctor’s prescribed them – (because isn’t it easier for the doctor to say and you to hear, “take this pill twice a day” then “exercise five days a week?”) then the companies could make a lot of money.

With regard to increasing your risk for high triglycerides food high in saturated fat is surely an issue but so is just plain eating too much of any kind of food. When we eat more than we need, the body stores it and stores it as fat. Calorie moderation is the only answer – sorry – the truth hurts sometimes. To learn more about this and from a trusted source, please read the information on the AHA page