That is me - a true sleuth. You know that I detest diets, in the popular sense. The true definition of diet is what a person consumes on a daily basis. Recall hearing anthropologists say that early humans subsisted on a diet of grains and berries - or some such thing. They do not mean that they were ON A DIET. So on a diet, that is what I am referring to when I say I abhor diets.

I do endorse the concepts of Volumetrics and the Weight Watcher program and I like some of the constructs of what is referred to as South Beach - but only because it seems to encourage lean proteins and quality carbs - but if someone wanted my opinion on a true diet - what one should consume on a daily basis - I would say the prudent or the Mediterranean diet. You can Google them!

What I will NEVER recommend is the Nutrisystem plan. I have already complained about their misleading commercials and alerted you to phrases like "clinically based" or "clinically tested" as that is not the same as "clinically proven." So, just this month a magazine I read had a full page ad for the Nutrisystem Silver plan - sliver- gold- D- for men - whatever the version, they are all misleading.

In this print ad it discusses the 55 pounds that Martha lost and the 93 that Brian lost and the 50 that Annette lost. Then at the bottom it says - of course, in small print- "results not typical." You know what it really should say? Well, I will tell you. It should say , results are atypical." In that they are not at all what you should expect. You should expect what the fine print says - "most people lose one to two pounds a week." And what is the safe way to lose weight? One to two pounds a week through calorie control and exercise. But it gets better. The small print also says that "individuals are remunerated." I read that and said to myself, "does that mean what I think it means?" So I looked it up and indeed so. The people in the ads who have these very atypical results are PAID. And you know what else, it doesn't say anywhere how long it took those people to lose their 55,93 and 50 pounds.

Nutrisystem does offer a money back guarantee - on the food - not the promises. If the food sucks, you can get your money back.

Want to lose weight - check this out. Calorie Balance.