For the sake of brevity, tonight I will offer an observation/opinion.

It appears to me that the companies which sell psychotropic or mood altering prescription drugs have done such a fine job in marketing them, that a mind shift has occurred in the USA and elsewhere.

The mind set of many people and young people are included - seems to be this -
I can't tolerate any discomfort, I won't tolerate any discomfort and I DO NOT HAVE To...

These very powerful medications are meant to be used when a true neurotransmitter problem is evident. This could mean that chemicals are not being released or that chemicals are not having the effect that they should - but to take medications to override the natural circuits of the brain because life is difficult this week is NOT the smartest response. In other words, being anxious because a job or relationship is changing does not mean you are mentally ill - isn't that a relief!

Indeed, sometimes having to being uncomfortable - and learning that you can be uncomfortable - is the best thing that can happen to a person.