Throughout the day I pondered over a topic - I thought, I do not want to think so hard tonight. I have begun reading an article that I think might be good for tomorrow, but tonight I am just going to share a couple of thoughts I have had since Sunday when I posted this entry.

I want to say first that I messed up the info on my generation and obesity. I kind of felt like I had it wrong, but by notes were in the car and oh my gosh, I was too lazy to go down and get them - I know, hard to believe. Funny though that the notes were on this little notepad I keep on the visor. Why do I have a pad stuck in my visor? To take notes when I hear a news story that I want to explore further in order to share on the blog!

So what I meant to say was that people born in the 1960s and 1970s tended to gain weight up until their 20s where the numbers peaked. This generation then tended to lose some of that extra weight. One fifth of the them were said to be obese. Now, I can say that I personally weighed more in my twenties than I do in my forties, so there, research experiment of one! I think I did get the second part of the statement correct last Sunday, which is that later generations are obese at higher rates and they do not peak but appear to continue to gain weight indefinitely. Currently we have an obesity rate of 33% in the USA.

Also in the last O&E I mentioned the concept of behavior placement as an extension of product placement. Since then I saw two blatant examples of both - in fact, they both occurred in TV shows that I was watching simultaneously last night! On Damages, (FX Mondays at 10), a character was at a laptop computer and wanted to look something up. VERY clearly the search engine he used was the lesser known Bing. On the show I was really watching, Saving Grace on TNT , the phenomenal Holly Hunter (whose character smokes all the time :() Stomped out a cigarette in the sand and then picked up the butt and either put it in her pocket or in the trash. Either way, she did not LITTER or cause a fire with her discarded smoke. It is against the law to throw out cigarettes in Florida, where I live - If you have ever seen a wilderness on fire, even on the news, you will understand why.

That's all then - tomorrow I will tell you more about brown fat, as I believe I have mentioned it at least once in the past.