The incredible brussels sprout-

In the video you will see my past with brussels sprouts and I have to say - I was wrong - they are delicious!

Brussels sprouts are also low calorie and contain the antioxidant lutein as well as vitamins A and K and beta carotene. Brussels sprouts are a good source of potassium with far fewer calories per gram then potatoes because they are not as starchy. They contain 3g of fiber per 100g and are a source of protein as well. Interestingly, brussels sprouts have sucrose, fructose and glucose. This is an example of a naturally occurring sugar which is NOT empty calories.

If you roast them as described above - you will keep all the good that comes naturally without adding fat from frying them. Monounsaturated fat is heart healthy, however, so you might consider drizzling a teaspoon (olive, canola, peanut oil) over your finished product!
