The research that I am referring to today can be found in the online version of BMJ and this particular article is available for free. Lindau and Gavrilova 340 (92): c810. (2010)

The researchers are from Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Chicago, 5841 S Maryland Avenue, MC2050, Chicago, IL 60637, USA, and Chicago Core on Biomeasures in Population-Based Aging Research, University of Chicago Centre on Demography and Economics of Aging.

The scientists reviewed data from two different sources, surveys and interviews of two large groups of men and women in the USA. The purpose of the study was to investigate sexual activity and satisfaction as we age.

I am thrilled with a new concept that they present. You are familiar with the term active aging and active or healthy life expectancy etc etc. The purpose of my blog is to support and encourage healthy active aging. These researchers have determined markers of "sexually active life expectancy." How cool is that? And what exactly determines your sexually active life expectancy? According to the researchers any amount of sexual activity with a partner (snicker snicker) counts. So if you stop having any sex at all, your sexually active life years are over.

The researchers determined that on average, at age 55 - (life expectancy at that age is about 24 more years for men and 27 more years for women) men have about 15 more years of sexually activity and women have only ten. But there are MANY reasons why that might be. Let me also say that the study discusses any sexual activity, satisfying sexual activity, interest in sexual activity and frequency of sexual activity. Also, I did not read every word of this study, but in what I did read, I could not find any statement on whether or not this was only a heterosexual study, but it appears to be.

So, men who are healthy in middle age tend to live longer than men who are not. These men are usually married in later life and engage in sex with that partner on a pretty regular and satisfying basis. Men in this group have more interest in sex than women tend to at the same age, and also have options for enhancing their sexual ability through the use of pharmaceutical therapies.

On the other hand, many women who are in old old age, 80 and up - tend to be widowed and thus do not report sexual activity as it seems that in the group of people studied, having a partner (or being in a relationship) was one of the biggest predictors of sexual activity.

Men who are in poor health do not share the same sexually active life expectancy. Women, even unhealthy women, tend to live longer than men. Women's sexual health has not gotten the same attention as men's, but perhaps this study will provide some impetus for that. OF note, women have hormonal shifts in late middle age that lesson sexual desire and enjoyment - this is something that may be addressed in the future.

In this study they did find that men's attitudes now are very different than they were ten years ago and that this could be related to ED drugs.